2024 Deadline - April 15th
The Chesterfield Cheerleader League may award scholarships annually to seniors graduating in the current year. CCL scholarships are not awarded on a need basis.
Applicants must meet the following criteria to be eligible for one of the these scholarships:
1. Minimum of 4 years participation in CCL cheerleading between the ages of 5-17 (this can be basketball or football) and a minimum of 2 years/seasons volunteering as a helper for a CCL recreation association.
2. Acceptance at or plans to attend a two or four year college, business school, nursing school etc. as a student.
Applicants do not need to be a current high school cheerleader to be eligible for this scholarship.
Applicants must complete the CCL Scholarship Application and submit an essay following the guidelines below:
- Must be a minimum of 350 and a maximum of 500 words.
Essay Subject
Describe experiences throughout your cheerleading career that impacted you to be the person you are today.
Please list additional information such as hobbies, talents, organizations you are a member of, any awards or recognition, community service, leadership roles you have participated in during your high school career. Be specific.
Include two (2) letters of recommendation - one from a reference who has direct knowledge of your participation with CCL and one from a high school teacher or administrator. There is a place on the application to upload the reference letters.
Please complete your application HERE .